Friday 19 December 2008

Schools out!

Today was the last day of school until after the new year and I have to say both Connor and I are glad of it. He's not been very settled at school lately. He was fine when he started in September, but the last few weeks he has cried every time I drop him off and it's a real strain leaving him like that every day. The teacher tells me that he calms down very quickly and is fine for the rest of the day, but it's still hard. I think tiredness is at least partly to blame, he's doing full days at school now and these last few weeks have been hectic with all the christmas events. I think thats another thing too, Con loves his routine and is happiest when everything is predictable and he knows what to expect. The normal routine has been out of the window lately. PE lessons cancelled because the hall is being used for plays and concerts, having to stay inside at play times because of bad weather, parties and non-uniform days etc, which are fun, but not what he expects of school. It's all unsettling for him.

Another thing which is sad is that we found out today that the teaching assistant from Connor's class wont be coming back after christmas, she is moving away. She's a lovely, motherly lady who Connor has really taken to and feels comfortable with and on days when he is feeling a bit wobbly she tends to be the one to give him close attention whilst the teacher is with the rest of the class. She's one of those teachers who will not refuse a child who wants to sit on her lap or have a little cuddle, regardless of what the offical guidelines are. He doesn't seem bothered at the moment that she is leaving, but I think he hasn't really thought it through, it seems like ages to him until he has to go back to school and I'm sure he will really miss her when he goes back in January. It takes him a long time to get comfortable with people and even if the new TA is equally approachable and lovely, he is still going to have to form the new bond.

But still, we'll worry about that later, for now we are excited for christmas and looking forward to having lots of fun and spending lots of time together over the holidays.

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